








3、花開花落臘梅傲雪盼新春,春去春來長風破浪迎高考?!lossoms bloom and fallen plums bloom with pride and snow, hoping for the new spring. Spring has passed, and the long winds and waves come to welcome the college entrance examination.


5、愿君無悔,莫負初心! May you have no regrets and never let go of your original intention!

6、一個人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多優秀?!f you dont push yourself, you dont know how good you are.

7、因為日出東方,所以早起必能看到朝霞?!ecause the sun rises in the East, you can see the morning glow when you rise early.

8、眉毛上的汗水和眉毛下的淚水你必須選擇一樣! Sweat on the eyebrows and tears under the eyebrows you have to choose the same!

9、經濟要發展,高考是保障。 College Entrance Examination is the guarantee for economic development.

10、無論頭上是怎樣的天空,我準備承受任何風暴。 No matter what the sky is above my head, I am ready to bear any storm.


12、十年寒窗苦,全待今朝驗;十年磨一劍,實力今朝現。利劍出鞘,勇奪高考寶! Ten years of hardship in the cold window, all waiting for todays test; Ten years of sharpening a sword, strength is now evident. Sword unsheathed, bravely seize the treasure of the college entrance examination!

13、失敗對于強者是逗號,對于弱者是句號。 Failure is a comma to the strong, it is for the weak.

14、精神成就事業,態度決定一切?!piritual achievement, attitude decides everything.

15、試試就能行,爭爭就能贏。祝你高考成功! Try and win. i wish you success in the college entrance examination!


17、十年寒窗,十年磨劍。十年砥礪,十年堅守。風雨兼程,逆水行舟。夢想無怨,青春無悔。輕裝上陣,輕騎突擊。決戰高考,決勝未來!祝高考金榜題名! Ten years of study, ten years of sharpening the sword. Ten years of hard work and ten years of perseverance. Riding against the wind and rain, sailing against the current. Dreams have no regrets, youth has no regrets. Light equipment comes into battle, light cavalry makes a surprise attack. Battle the college entrance examination, conquer the future! Wishing you all the best in the college entrance examination!


19、都準備好了,我還怕什么? All ready. What am I afraid of?


21、苦海有涯,而學無涯;志者戰高考,惰者畏高三?!he bitter sea has a long way to go, but the study has a long way to go.


23、高考中沒有失敗,它帶給每個人的深刻思考的經歷和感受都是不可多得的財富。我們為理想而奮進的過程,其意義遠大于未知的結果。 There are no failures in the college entrance examination, and the profound thinking experiences and feelings it brings to everyone are invaluable assets. The process of striving for our ideals has much greater significance than the unknown results.

24、辛勤奮戰在學海,汗水揚起成功帆。無煙戰場今日起,氣定神閑退萬軍。心態良好細審題,才思敏捷答考卷。自信人生二百年,收獲人生好前程。全國高考日,愿莘莘學子們勝利歸來。 Work hard in the sea of learning, sweat lifts the sail of success. Starting from today, the smokeless battlefield will calm down and retreat ten thousand troops. Have a good mindset and carefully examine the questions, with agile thinking to answer the exam papers. A confident life of two hundred years leads to a promising future. On National College Entrance Examination Day, may the students return victorious.

25、依依終須別,此后盼珍重,再敘情更濃,高考順利! Yiyi must leave at last. i hope to cherish it later. ill have a stronger feeling again. the college entrance examination goes smoothly!

26、自我調整,身心健康;全力以赴,創造輝煌?!elf-adjustment, physical and mental health; go all out to create brilliance.

27、信心是成功的一半。 Confidence is half the battle.


29、永不言棄! Never give up!



32、沒有艱辛,便無所獲。 No hardship, no gain.

33、今天我們心情緊張;明天我們奔赴考場,后天我們全體解放,高考紀念日,為了重溫曾經那段激情燃燒的歲月,也為了廣大考生,一起默默祝福吧!祝高考順利! Today we are feeling nervous; Tomorrow we will rush to the examination room, and the day after tomorrow we will all be liberated. On the anniversary of the college entrance examination, in order to relive the passionate years we once had, and also for the vast number of candidates, lets silently bless together! Wishing the college entrance examination a smooth journey!


35、好好學,努力學,拼命學,待到六月來臨,我們直面高考,待到成績放榜的那天,我們盡情狂歡,待到九月開學時,你在你的大學里笑。 Study hard, work hard, and study hard. When June comes, we will face the college entrance examination directly. On the day the results are released, we will have a great time. When September starts, you will laugh in your university.

36、學習與創造是人生的兩只腳?!he study and creation is the life two feet.

37、細節決定成??! Details determine success or failure!

38、人生那么短,我們有什么理由不快樂! Life is so short, we have what reason not happy!



41、高考只是你成功的第一站,你一定會通過的,努力之后,剩下的就是相信自己! The college entrance examination is only the first stop of your success, and you will definitely pass it. After working hard, the rest is to believe in yourself!

42、決戰高考,改變命運,屢挫屢戰,笑傲群雄?!attle the college entrance examination, change your destiny, face repeated setbacks and challenges, and be proud of others.

43、意志能使生命繼續,奮斗能使人生輝煌?!ill can make life go on, struggle can make life brilliant.

44、十年攻書轉至:寒苦,今宵征沖天路;回眸從前付出,潑墨卷袖書;恭祝,恭祝,此戰青云平步。祝賀高考金榜題名?!en Year Attack Book Transfer: Cold and bitter, tonight we will conquer the Heavenly Road; Looking back at the past efforts, splashing ink and rolling sleeves; Congratulations, congratulations, this battle is Qingyun Pingbu. Congratulations on winning the gold medal in the college entrance examination.

45、高考日到了,送你三句話:保持平常心,考出最高分;保持針一樣的細心,一步一個腳印給滿分;像往常一樣保持健康,好好考試。祝高考成功?!ts time for the college entrance examination. Here are three words for you: keep a calm mind and get the highest score on the exam; Maintain the same level of attention as a needle, and give full marks for each step; Keep healthy as usual and take good exams. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination.

46、有量的積累,才有質的`飛躍?!uantitative accumulation leads to qualitative leap.

47、生活,就是生下來,活下去?!ife, is born, live.

48、為了實現自己既定的目標,必須能耐得住寂寞單干?!n order to achieve their goals, we must be able to stand alone.

49、高考日,祝莘莘學子,門門考試,門門紅! On the day of the college entrance examination, I wish all the students a bright future!

50、青春飛揚,夢想飛揚,高考的試卷在飛揚;但愿飛揚,愿望飛揚,高考的志向在飛揚;從容以對,笑傲考場,優異的施展在考場。順利哦! Youth is flying, dreams are flying, and the college entrance examination papers are flying; Wishing to soar, wishing to soar, the aspiration for the college entrance examination is soaring; Take it easy, smile proudly in the exam room, and perform excellently in the exam room. Smooth!(句怡美 wWW.JYM1.com)

51、奮斗的雙腳在踏碎自己的溫床時,卻開拓了一條創造之路?!hile struggling to break his hotbed, his feet opened up a road of creation.


53、高考不退卻,逆襲全世界?!ollege Entrance Examination does not retreat and attacks the whole world.

54、不放過一點疏漏,不放棄一分希望?!ever let go of a slight omission, never give up a hope.




58、辛勤耕作十二載,知識田里成果現??紙鲋蠆^筆書,難易題目都做完。開開心心出考場,笑容滿面捷報傳。親朋好友都開顏,祝賀聲聲贊譽傳。祝你高考旗開得勝! After twelve years of hard work, achievements have been made in the knowledge field. On the exam floor, I diligently wrote and completed all the difficult and easy questions. Happy to leave the exam room, with a smile on his face and good news spreading. Family and friends are all smiling, and congratulations and praise are spreading. Wishing you a successful start in the college entrance examination!



61、只有千錘百煉,才能成為好鋼?!nly through hard work can we become good steel.

62、你不能改變過去但你可以改變未來?!ou cant change the past but you can change the future.

63、奮斗吧,改變不了起點但可以改變終點! Fight it, cant change the starting point but can change the end!


65、不達目的,誓不罷休。祝高考順利! If you dont achieve your goal, you will never stop. i wish the college entrance examination success!


67、我們總覺得高考遙遙無期,誰知轉眼間就要各奔東西?!e always feel that the college entrance examination is far from being expected.

68、沒有失敗,只有暫時停止成功! No failure, only temporary cessation of success!

69、生活的苦,襯托出努力與選擇的必要?!he bitterness of life sets off the necessity of effort and choice.


71、高考,就像一場“戰役”,頭腦是“刀槍”,學識是“子彈”,鈴聲是“信號”,考卷是“目標”,答題是“拼殺”,成績是“勝利”。高考之戰即將上演,讓我們拿起刀槍,裝好子彈,守著信號,沖向目標,英勇拼殺,成就最后的勝利! The college entrance examination is like a "battle", with the mind as a "knife and gun", knowledge as a "bullet", the bell as a "signal", the exam paper as a "goal", the answer as a "fight", and the score as a "victory". The battle of the college entrance examination is about to unfold. Lets pick up our swords and guns, load our bullets, guard the signal, charge towards the target, fight bravely, and achieve the final victory!

72、用執著的筆,書寫下吉祥;用拼搏的筆,書寫下幸運;夢想的腳步,必須灑滿汗水;未來的希望,就在高考的路上。高考日到,愿你把握機遇,一切順利! With a persistent pen, write down auspiciousness; Write about luck with a hardworking pen; The footsteps of dreams must be sprinkled with sweat; The hope for the future lies on the way to the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination is coming, may you seize the opportunity and everything goes smoothly!

