






??身體健康是人生中最大的幸福!你的安康,牽掛所有同學的心。老師,圣誕節快樂! Good health is the greatest happiness in life! All the students your well-being, caring heart。 The teacher, merry Christmas!

??奉上一顆幸福的心,在這特別的日子里,愿幸福,如意,快樂,鮮花,一切美好的祝愿與你同在。圣誕快樂! In a happy heart, in this special day, wish happiness, luck, happiness, flowers, all good wishes with you。 Merry Christmas!

??A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year. 始終思念你,捎來圣誕佳節最美好的祝福,祝圣誕吉祥,新年如意。

??歲月如詩,句句悠揚。友誼如歌,余音繞梁。溫馨季節,思念滿懷,愿你圣誕快樂! Time such as poem, rising and falling。 Friendship, such as song, lingering。 Warm season, missing is full, I wish you a merry Christmas!

??快樂圣誕,什么是圣誕快樂?不是那快樂的陽光,也不是鳥兒的啁啾,那是愉快的念頭和幸福的笑容,是溫馨慈愛的問候。 Merry Christmas, what is Merry Christmas? Its not the happy sunshine or the chirping of birds, its happy thoughts and happy smiles, its warm and loving greetings.

??節日的喜氣圍著你,好多的禮物送給你,美好的生活伴著你,開心的日子陪著你,健康的身體由著你,平安的大道順著你,祝福的短信只給你,圣誕快樂都是你! The festive atmosphere surrounds you, with many gifts for you. A beautiful life accompanies you, happy days accompany you, a healthy body follows you, and a safe road follows you. Blessing messages are only given to you, and Merry Christmas is all yours!

??Merry Christmas! 圣誕快樂!

??一生何求?桃李遍天下。短信傳情,師恩永在我心。祝您圣誕工作順利,健康幸福! For a lifetime? Plum all over the world. Messages (SMS), ShiEn in my heart forever. Christmas to you work is smooth, health and happiness!

??圣誕了,敲響圣誕鐘,福運無邊;吹響快樂號,開心無比;綻放美好花,幸福無限;送達圣誕福,真摯無比:祝圣誕節開心,幸福到永遠! Christmas is coming, ringing the Christmas bell brings endless blessings; Blow the trumpet of happiness, feeling incredibly happy; Blooming beautiful flowers, infinite happiness; Delivery of Christmas blessings, sincere and incomparable: Wishing Christmas a happy and everlasting happiness!

??只有鐘聲響起,愿我的祝?;黠w翔的天使,飛向你的窗口,圣誕快樂! Only bells, let my blessing into flying angel, fly to your window, merry Christmas!

??May the joy of christmas be with you throughout the year. 愿圣誕的快樂一年四季常在。

??提前祝朋友們圣誕節快樂。希望在不同的節日里都能找到一個不同一般的自己。天天開心,快樂! Early to wish my friends happy Christmas。 The hope can find in different festivals are a different general himself。 Every day happy, happy!

??May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes. 愿新年不僅是你歡笑的時刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。

??我對著圣誕樹默默許愿,希望看短信的你,每天晚上美夢甜甜,每天早上精神奕奕,每天工作順順利利,每天生活開開心心,圣誕快樂滿滿! I silently wish to the Christmas tree, hoping that you, who are reading text messages, have sweet dreams every night, be energetic every morning, work smoothly every day, live happily every day, and have a happy Christmas!

??你是我所收到的最好的圣誕禮物?!oure the best Christmas present I ever received.

??圣誕節穿紅色衣,你要像圣誕老人般快快樂樂,紅紅火火;圣誕節穿白色衣,你要像雪人般可愛健康,人見人愛;圣誕節穿彩色衣,你要像圣誕樹般光彩照人,閃亮全場。圣誕節快樂! Wearing red clothes on Christmas, you should be as happy and vibrant as Santa Claus; Wearing white clothes on Christmas, you should be cute and healthy like a snowman, loved by everyone; Wearing colorful clothes for Christmas, you should shine like a Christmas tree, shining brightly throughout the entire venue. Merry Christmas!

??您好!您的朋友在我網為您訂購的禮物,已在發貨途中,預計到貨時間為年月日晚,快遞員圣誕老人,請您注意查收!順祝圣誕快樂! A: hello! Your friends in my network to order gift, you have been in the shipment, estimated arrival time for date night, Courier Santa Claus, would you please pay attention to check! Best wishes and happy Christmas!

??寒冬街頭不在冷,有你陪伴暖心窩;人來人往多歡喜,靜待午夜鐘聲起;圣誕佳節將來臨,我想與你共分享;快樂好運屬于你,財運福運跟著你。祝圣誕如意! In the cold winter, the streets are not cold, with you accompanying and warming the heart; People come and go happily, waiting for the midnight bell to ring; Christmas is coming, and I want to share it with you; Happiness and good luck belong to you, and financial luck follows you. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

??逢年過節戴高帽,圣誕送你圣誕帽。防寒保暖小紅帽,濃濃暖意當頭罩。帽里還能變出寶,圣誕禮物早收到。圣誕出來冒冒泡,幸福生活好味道! Wear a high hat during holidays and festivals, and send you a Christmas hat for Christmas. Cold and warm little red hat, thick warmth as a hood. Treasures can still be transformed from the hat, and Christmas gifts will be received early. Christmas comes out with bubbles, the taste of happy life is good!

??夜幕為屏,天空為障,星星為證,圣誕夜,圣誕樹下,我對你悄悄許下諾言:我將愛你一生一世! Night for screen, obstacle to the sky, the stars, Christmas Eve, Christmas tree, I quietly make a promise to you: I will love you whole life!

??玫瑰清香嬌艷,難消思念萬千;巧克力香甜可口,壓不住心中淡淡憂愁;愿得益美好天天相伴,更希望圣誕節與你見面?!ose scent, delicate and charming, hard to miss myriad elimination; Chocolate is delicious, suppressed in the heart light grief; Christmas may benefit from good companions, every day more hope to meet you。

??這是最平凡的祝福,是用心在祝福;這是最溫暖的問候,是用愛在表達!圣誕快樂! This is the most common wishes, a heart in blessing; This is the most warm greetings, is expressed in love! Merry Christmas!

??圣潔的雪花緩緩飄下,甜蜜的巧克力把芬芳散發,圣誕的鐘聲在你心里跳躍出快樂的音符,祝福的暖流涌向你的心里,帶給你幸福和平安。圣誕快樂! Holy snowflakes slowly drift down, sweet chocolates emit fragrance, Christmas bells jump out happy notes in your heart, and a warm stream of blessings surges into your heart, bringing you happiness and peace. Merry Christmas!

??With the old wish that is ever new, may the greeting do its share toward making your Christmas a pleasant one. 老的祝福,卻又常新,原此祝福,使你的圣誕更加愉快圓滿。

??問候平淡如水,很清;祝福寥寥數語,心誠;摘一顆星,采一朵云,裝入平安的短信送給您,讓健康幸福時時圍繞您。圣誕快樂! Greetings are as plain as water, very clear; Blessings in a few words, sincere in heart; Pick a star, pick a cloud, and send you a message of peace, so that health and happiness always surround you. Merry Christmas!(工作總結之家 dG15.cOM)

??凡事的喜怒哀樂由心生,幸??鄲廊珣{自己感悟,是非對錯也靠自己判斷,天空晴朗多份明亮,烏云密布也多份體驗,不常聯系,短信問候,祝一切都好,圣誕快樂! The joys and sorrows of everything come from the heart, happiness and distress are all based on ones own perception, and right or wrong also depends on ones own judgment. The sky is clear and bright, and dark clouds cover many experiences. Dont keep in touch, send greetings via SMS, wish everything well, and have a happy Christmas!

??圣誕之花手中拿,圣誕新裝身上穿,圣誕禮物包中藏,圣誕女神你何時來到我身旁! Christmas flower in his hand, new clothes wearing Christmas, Christmas gift bag hides, goddess of Christmas when you came to my side!

??經過一年的風雨洗禮,再度迎來這圣誕之夜,這一刻,是快樂分享的時刻;是思念好友你的時刻;是祝福,關懷的時刻;是希望,美夢成真的時刻,圣誕快樂! After a year of trials and tribulations, we welcome this Christmas night again. This moment is a time for happy sharing; Its the moment of missing your friend; It is a moment of blessings and care; Its hope, the moment when dreams come true, Merry Christmas!

??鈴響回蕩在我的耳中,隨著記憶漸漸清楚;雪花飄落在我手心,隨著笑容慢慢模糊;幸福定律落在了你的手心,誰會給你安慰,圣誕的夜晚有我與你相陪?!he ringing of the bell echoes in my ears, as memories gradually clear up; Snowflakes fall in my palm, gradually blurring with my smile; The law of happiness falls in your palm, who will comfort you? I will be with you on Christmas night.

??為你栽一棵平安樹,用汗水澆灌,用思念培土,用牽掛修剪,用真心呵護,經過漫長的等待,開出快樂的花朵,結出幸福的蘋果,在平安夜這天,托圣誕老人送給你,愿你平安,一生幸福。 Plant a peace tree for you, water it with sweat, cultivate it with longing, prune it with care, and care for it with sincerity. After a long wait, it will bloom with happy flowers and bear happy apples. On Christmas Eve, I entrust Santa Claus to give it to you. May you be safe and happy throughout your life.

??Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings、 祝你享盡圣誕佳節的快樂和圣誕的禮品。

??平安之夜的使者,向你報一聲平安,讓這祥和的旋律,伴隨你度過今晚。 Night the angel of peace, to offer a safe, let this auspicious melody, accompany you through tonight.

??Have a love filled New Year! 愿新年的燭光帶給你祥和與喜悅,祝你新年充滿愛。

??愿上帝賜福你以及你的家人,愿你心想事成,合家歡樂。祝你圣誕快樂,吃好喝好。 May god bless you and your family, wish you happy, family happiness. Wish you a merry Christmas, eat good drink good.

??潔白的雪花,悠揚的鈴聲,美味的紅酒,搖曳的燭光,散不盡的圣誕情節;翠綠的圣誕樹,華麗的霓虹燈,溫馨的短信息,道不盡的圣誕味道。圣誕節,祝你萬好 White snowflakes, melodious bells, delicious red wine, swaying candlelight, endless Christmas scenes; The emerald green Christmas tree, gorgeous neon lights, warm short messages, and endless Christmas flavors. Christmas, wishing you all the best

??Wishing you a Christmas of happy time and a New Year of happy days、 愿圣誕是你快樂的時節,愿新年是你幸福的日子

??隨著隨圣誕節的到來,向爸媽說一聲:永遠平安。讓這向祥和的旋律,伴你們度過一生! With the advent of Christmas, the parents say: peace forever. Let this auspicious melody, I wish you a lifetime!

??圣誕快樂,并不是只在特別的日子才會想起你,但是圣誕節的時候,一定會讓你收到我的祝福?!erry Christmas, not only in the special day will think of you, but Christmas time, will let you receive my blessing.

??愿你圣誕新年幸福無盡?!ish you a happy Christmas and new year.

??圣誕樹上耀眼的彩燈,那是我祈禱你平安一生,圣誕夜里優揚的鐘聲,那是我祝福你快樂一生?!right lights on the Christmas tree, that was, I pray you peace life optimal Yang on the night of Christmas bell, that is my wish you a happy life。

??一起走過的日子,總是充滿了浪漫。親愛的,圣誕快樂! Walk through together day, always full of romance。 Dear, merry Christmas!

??圣誕的鐘聲即將響起,落葉飛舞著,溫馨洋溢著,真情蕩漾著,祝福伴隨著,多少個不眠之夜都不及今天的平安夜來 得幸福而快樂,溫暖著這個不一樣的夜晚?!he Christmas bell is about to ring, with fallen leaves dancing, warm and overflowing, true feelings rippling, and blessings accompanying. No sleepless night can be as happy and joyful as todays Christmas Eve, warming this different night.

??愿圣誕的喜悅縈繞你心。 May the joy of Christmas haunt you.

??這個迷人的圣誕,你躲在家里生蛋蛋,生了一堆恐龍蛋,還有一只小雞蛋。豬,生蛋快樂! This charming Christmas, you hide in the home have balls, gave birth to a pile of dinosaur eggs, and a little egg. Pig, raw egg is happy!

??馴鹿隨祝福飛逝,雪花伴思念飄灑,在又一個圣誕來臨的時刻,我的短信,帶著我盈盈的思念,捎上我溫馨的祝福,飄落在你的手機,祝你圣誕快樂! Reindeer fly with blessings, snowflakes accompany missing and drifting. In another moment of Christmas, my text message, carrying my overflowing thoughts, carries my warm blessings and falls on your phone. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

??愿圣誕的快樂一年四季常在?!ay the joy of Christmas be with you all the year round.

??在圣誕和新年來臨之際,祝福你平安、快樂、幸福! At Christmas and the coming year, wishing you peace, joy and happiness!

??即將來到的節日,早早的把你想起,剩下的是祝福,全部贈于你,朋友,圣誕節來了,預祝你平平安安過平安夜,開開心心過圣誕節?!he upcoming holiday, you think of early, the rest is a blessing, all give to you, friend, Christmas is coming, wish you enjoy Christmas in peace, a happy Christmas。

??西方人的圣誕,喜慶狂歡;中國人的圣誕,以傳祝愿;你的圣誕,祝福快樂收不完;我的圣誕,你快樂是我最大心愿! In the west Christmas festival revelry; Chinese Christmas to preach wishes; Wish you a merry Christmas close not finished; My Christmas, you happy is my biggest wish!

??圣誕老人,你現在已經收到了我的祝福,請馬上跑到煙囪口處等待禮物的派送吧,謝謝。 Santa Claus, you have now received my blessing, please immediately ran to the chimney mouth to send gift is waiting, thank you。

??寒冬里的浪漫,如雪花飛舞。風聲里的心語,似藤蔓纏綿。祝你圣誕快樂?!he romance of winter, like snow。 The words in the wind, like a vine lingering。 Wish you a merry Christmas。

??愿你有一個銀白色的圣誕。一份小小的賀卡,一聲親切的問候,愿你,佳節快樂,圣誕開心! I hope you have a white Christmas。 A small greeting card, a cordial greeting, I wish you, happy holidays, happy Christmas!

??心在飛揚,情在高昂。平安夜讓我們一起,去聆聽圣誕的鐘聲好嗎? The heart is soaring, and the emotions are high. Christmas Eve, lets go listen to the sound of Christmas bells together, okay?

??您的平安是我的愿望,您的真心是我的幸福,而我給您的禮物是我一生的祝福!節日快樂?!our peace is my desire, your heart is my happiness, and my gift to you is the blessing of my life! A happy holiday.

??You're the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸運的.人兒。

??Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year. 衷心祝福來年快樂、幸運!

??穿好平安衣,戴上平安帽,系好平安扣,套上平安靴,駕著平安鹿,搖著平安鈴,在此平安夜,遍灑平安符:祝圣誕快樂,一生平安,健康相擁,幸福相守! Put on a safety jacket, a safety helmet, fasten the safety buckle, put on safety boots, drive a safety deer, ring the safety bell, and on Christmas Eve, sprinkle safety symbols everywhere: Wishing you a happy Christmas, a safe life, embracing health, and being happy together!

??我已煉成縮小功,會在圣誕晚上縮小到我所牽掛的人襪子里向你問候:圣誕快樂! I had was to reduce the work, will be on Christmas night to my care of sock greeting you: merry Christmas!

??Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me. 無盡的愛戀與祝福,獻給我的愛妻,你永遠是我珍貴的圣誕禮物和我的一切!

??Hope your birthday is like you--special.A Happy Birthday! 希望你的生日像你一樣--不同尋常。生日快樂!

??天也冷,寒也來,牽掛伴著祝福來;冬也到,冰也到,寒冬季節情重要;暖你心,暖你被,不讓你受凍人憔悴;親愛的,圣誕到了,祝福你開心,希望你幸福?!he sky is also cold, and the cold is coming. Concern comes with blessings; Winter has arrived, and ice has also arrived. The cold winter season is important; Warm your heart, warm your quilt, dont let you feel cold and haggard; Dear, Christmas has arrived. Wishing you happiness and wishing you happiness.

??圣誕樹上耀眼的彩燈,祈禱你平安一生;圣誕夜里悠揚的鐘聲,祝福你快樂一生?!right lights on the Christmas tree, pray you safe life; Christmas night melodious bell, wish you a happy life.

??送你一朵六角雪花:一角攜著,一角攜著快樂,一角攜著開心,一角攜著浪漫,一角攜著甜蜜,一角攜著祝福,祝你圣誕快樂! Heres a hexagonal snowflake for you: carry it in one corner, bring happiness in the other, bring romance in the other, bring sweetness in the other, and wish you a happy Christmas!

??我想把我的手放在你的手里,讓你領我走進圣誕節的教堂,過我們倆人的圣誕節! I want to put my hand in your hand, let you lead me into the church of Christmas, Christmas over the both of us!

??I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours. 以我所有的愛心與真誠祝你及全家圣誕快樂。

??圣誕節到來了,愿你幸福做加法,煩惱做減法,快樂做乘法,困難做除法,幸運開平方,霉運開根號,壞心情像小數點,好心情循環無極限。祝圣誕快樂?!hristmas has arrived. May you add with happiness, subtract with troubles, multiply with joy, divide with difficulties, square with luck, and root with bad luck. Bad moods are like decimal places, and good moods have no limit in circulation. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

??圣誕贈你美味,愿你天天美胃。圣誕送你美鈔,祝你節節攀高,圣誕贈你禮物,愿你舒舒服服,圣誕送你祝福,請君快樂一讀:圣誕節快樂,平安夜幸福! Delicious Christmas gift to you, may you taste delicious every day. Christmas presents you with US dollars, wishing you all the best in climbing. Christmas presents you with gifts, wishing you a comfortable life. Christmas presents you with blessings, and please read happily: Merry Christmas, happy Christmas Eve!

??在這歡樂的時節給你我最真的祝福和親切的思念,愿你今年的圣誕比往年更璀璨。 In the season of joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts. May this Christmas outshine all the rest.

??隨著平安夜的到來,向你說一聲:永遠平安。讓這祥和的旋律,伴你度過一生?!ith the arrival of Christmas Eve, have a chance to say to you: peace forever. Let this auspicious melody, I wish you a lifetime.

??Happy anniversary!May the years ahead fulfill all your hope. 祝結婚周年快樂,愿今后年年如愿以償。

??好久沒有聽到你的聲音,好久沒有人聽我談心,在雪花飛舞的日子里,真的好想你,祝你圣誕節快樂! I havent heard your voice for a long time, no one has listened to me talk for a long time. In the days of snowflakes dancing, I really miss you so much. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

??開心笑容在綻放,快樂歌謠在傳唱;吉祥雪花在飛舞,悠揚鐘聲在飄蕩;圣誕禮物在派送,節日祝福在傳遞。祝你圣誕快樂! Happy smiles are blooming, and happy ballads are spreading; Auspicious snowflakes are dancing, and the melodious bell sound is drifting; Christmas gifts are being delivered, and holiday blessings are being conveyed. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

??看著你向我撒嬌、對我微笑,圣誕節的雪花也變得溫暖了起來?!atching you coquettish and smile at me, the snow at Christmas also becomes warm.

??雪花飄舞圣誕到,吉祥如意身邊繞。圣誕老人不可少,送來禮物一大包。小孩心愿都達到,追逐打鬧開心笑。大街小巷都熱鬧,美滿生活樂淘淘。祝圣誕快樂! Snowflakes dancing, Christmas arrives, and good luck surrounds you. Santa Claus is indispensable, bringing a big package of gifts. The childs wishes have all been fulfilled, chasing, playing, and laughing happily. The streets and alleys are bustling, with a happy life and a lot of fun. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

??衷心祝福來年快樂、幸運! Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year!

??It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. 圣誕節轉眼又到,又該迎接新的一年了。我們向你及你的親人們致以最美好的圣誕祝福,愿你在新的一年里事業興旺,幸福美滿!

??平安夜的每一朵雪花飄下,每一個煙火燃起,每一秒時間流動,每一份思念傳送。都代表著我想要送你的每一個祝福! Every snowflakes float down on Christmas Eve, every fireworks lit, every second time flow, each transfer。 Represents I want to send you a blessing!

??白雪飄,鐘聲敲,圣誕節又來到;鹿鈴響,喜氣洋,愜意幸福心情爽;圣歌唱,心花放,吉祥快樂從天降。愿您圣誕開心伴! White snow drifts, bells strike, Christmas arrives again; The deer bell rings, full of joy and happiness, with a pleasant and joyful mood; Holy singing, blooming heart flowers, auspiciousness and happiness descending from the sky. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

??Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season. 祝節日幸福如意。

??Forget, forgive, for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again. Touch hands! 愿知道圣誕節會不斷來臨的人們,忘卻和寬恕以往的一切不快,讓我們攜手共進吧!

??果圣誕老人給我一個機會,我會對你說:圣誕快樂!一定要在快樂上加上一個期限,我希望是:一萬年! If Santa Claus give me a chance, I will say to you: merry Christmas! Must be happy with a deadline, I hope is: ten thousand years!

??愿圣誕是你快樂的時節,愿新年是你幸福的日子?!ay you happy Christmas season, may the New Year is the day of your happiness.

??問候竟無語,此時無聲勝有聲;深深祝福相送,心誠則靈;打開心門,讓你的幸福充盈;放慢生活腳步,化作悠閑的云;圣誕來臨,愿你善待自己,天天開心! Greetings are speechless, at this moment silence is better than sound; Deeply bless and send each other, sincerity leads to spirit; Open the door to your heart and let your happiness fill you; Slow down the pace of life, turn into leisurely clouds; Christmas is coming, may you treat yourself well and be happy every day!

??Hi!好久不見!其實我常常偷偷地想你,想著我們見面的情景呢期望我們將渡過一個難忘的圣誕夜! Hi! Long time no see! In fact, I often secretly think you, think of the first time we expect we will through a memorable Christmas Eve!

??親吻你臉頰,讓愛的祝?;髌К摰?雪花。溶入你心里。親愛的祝你圣誕快樂! Kiss your cheek, let the blessings of love into every piece glittering and translucent snowflake. Into your heart. Dear wish you a merry Christmas!

??獻上最誠摯的節日祝福?!est wishes for the holidays.

??親吻你臉頰,讓愛的祝?;髌К摰难┗āH苋肽阈睦?。親愛的祝你圣誕快樂 ! Kiss your cheek and turn the blessings of love into sparkling snowflakes. Dissolve into your heart. Dear, wish you a Merry Christmas!

??圣誕圣誕,浪漫精彩。圣誕老人,十分可愛。平安夜里,共祈平安??駳g夜里,無人入眠。快樂分享,燭光大餐。圣誕樹下,美好許愿,萬千祝福,心意不變?!hristmas, romantic and exciting. Santa Claus, very cute. On Christmas Eve, we pray for peace together. At night of revelry, no one falls asleep. Happy sharing, candlelight feast. Under the Christmas tree, beautiful wishes and countless blessings remain unchanged.

??Hope all your Christmas dreams come true! 愿你所有的圣誕夢想都成真!

??剛在圣誕老人那許下愿:把我當做一件禮物,送給那正在看短信息的人,我愿生生世世陪伴著她?!ust make a wish: in Santa Claus put me as a gift, to those who are watching the short message, I would like to life with her。

??圣誕節,圣誕帽,溫馨的問候來報到;喜盛宴,爐火燒,美好祝福歌聲飄;情誼真,發短信,五湖四海心連心;圣誕節,圣誕襪,愿你幸福萬事發;圣誕節,祝你工作順利,家庭美滿,身體健康,開心快樂?!hristmas, Christmas hat, warm greetings to report; Joyful banquets, furnace fires burning, beautiful blessings and singing fluttering; True friendship, sending text messages, connecting hearts from all over the world; Christmas, Christmas stockings, may you be happy and have everything happen; Christmas, I wish you success in your work, a happy family, good health, and happiness.

??我想讓陽光溫暖你,用星光裝點你,用美酒陶醉你,用金錢砸暈你,用煙花璀璨你,用幸福淹沒你,可我不做上帝很久了,只能用句子祝福你:圣誕快樂! I want the sunshine to warm you, decorate you with starlight, intoxicate you with fine wine, knock you unconscious with money, shine with fireworks, and drown you with happiness. But I havent been a god for a long time, and can only bless you with a sentence: Merry Christmas!

??愿明亮喜慶的圣誕燭光溫暖一年中的每個日日夜夜,祝你歡歡喜喜度圣誕,高高興興過新年! May the bright festive Christmas candle warm the days all the year day and night, wish you a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!

??May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright. Have a love filled hristmas and New Year! 愿圣誕的燭光帶給你祥和與喜悅,祝你的圣誕和新年充滿愛。

??祝圣誕節開心,幸福到永遠! I wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year!

??溫馨的燈火,勾勒美好的畫卷;醇香的美酒,勾兌甜蜜的時刻;吉祥的雪花,憑添浪漫的元素;璀璨的煙火,綻放多情的色彩;平安的鐘聲,敲響生命的新生;歡快的歌謠,唱出心中的喜悅;真摯的祝福,則傳遞無限的深情。朋友,圣誕快樂! Warm lights, outlining a beautiful picture; A mellow and fragrant wine, blending sweet moments; Auspicious snowflakes add romantic elements; Radiant fireworks, blooming with passionate colors; The sound of peace bells rings the new life; Joyful songs sing out the joy in the heart; Sincere blessings convey infinite affection. Friend, Merry Christmas!

??又是一個雪花飄飄的日子,請讓這雪花飄落在你的身中,慢慢融進你的心中,永遠永遠的把我停留在你的心中。 Snow or another day, let it snow in your body, slowly into your heart, take me stay in your heart forever。

??禮不在貴,真心就行,字不在多,真意就靈,雖是短信,祝福深藏,愿你圣誕快樂,天天快樂,收到就可兌現,轉發更有驚喜褒獎! Gift is not expensive, sincerity is enough, words are not many, and true meaning is spiritual. Although it is a text message, blessings are deeply hidden. May you have a happy Christmas, happy every day, and can be redeemed upon receipt. Forwarding will bring even more surprises and rewards!

??圣誕樹點燃了,無數的星辰亮起,天空上寫下你的名字,當流星劃過時,也把我的思念與祝福一同捎去。圣誕節快樂?!hristmas tree lit, countless stars light up, write your name in the sky, when the meteor across, and wishing me take together。 Merry Christmas。

??就要到圣誕節了,給遠方的戀人和朋友一句問候,愿愛情??菔癄€,至死不渝,友誼天長地久,相伴一生!圣誕快樂! Christmas is coming soon. Greetings to lovers and friends from afar. May love wither and crumble until death, friendship last forever, and be with you for a lifetime! Merry Christmas!

??你知道圣誕老人在哪里嗎?去年他拿走了我的襪子!你也要小心呀!圣誕快樂,平安夜快樂! Do you know where Santa Claus? Last year he took away my socks! You also need to be careful! Merry Christmas and a happy Christmas Eve!

??看那一棵棵樹長起,看那一朵朵雪花飄起,看那一支支煙火燃起,看那一爐爐爐火點起,看這一條條短信送給你:只想祝你平安夜幸福甜蜜、圣誕快樂無極! Watch the trees grow up, watch the snowflakes drift, watch the fireworks ignite, watch the furnace fires ignite, watch these messages send to you: I just want to wish you a happy and sweet Christmas Eve and endless happiness!

??你好,圣誕節快到了,我是圣誕老人,請把你家的房門鑰匙,臥室門鑰匙,最好還有保險箱鑰匙都送給我,我好送你圣誕禮物:絕對讓你驚喜,快樂地過圣誕! Hello, Christmas is coming soon. I am Santa Claus. Please give me your house door key, bedroom door key, and preferably the safe key, so that I can give you a Christmas gift: it will definitely surprise you and have a happy Christmas!


