8 words Christmas short blessing
8 words Christmas short blessing。
1. The deer is flying in the wind, and the charm is unparalleled.
2. The holy clouds are wandering leisurely, but the poetic meaning is hard to stop.
3. The holy hands are held together, and love is connected.
4. The trees are lush and the sacred trees are towering.
5. The steps are light and the shadows are dancing.
6. The holy tent is light and the tent is like a dream.
7. The bronze is ancient and the bronze ware contains seals.
8. Holy paintings paint emotions, and colors contain emotions.
9. The holy clouds are covered with brocade, and the beauty reflects the blessings.
10. The holy sun is warm and warm, dispelling the cold winter.
11. The fog is hazy, and the fairy track is hidden in it.
12. The birthday house is covered with red and warm.
13. The holy eyes contain love, and the starry eyes flow with hope.
14. The holy taste is long and the charm is endless.
15. The holy hat is playful and it is hard to resist laughter.
16. The holy grass is lush and the fragrant grass is lush.
17. The holy ice hangs, as exquisite as a painting.
18. The holy realm always exists, and the fairy realm will always come.
19. A warm quilt is a hotbed of brocade quilt.
20. The zither and strings are played with the elegant charm.
21. The holy heart is compassionate and good thoughts follow each other.
22. The holy fruits are abundant and fruitful.
23. The christmas belt is flying, and the ribbons are flying.
24. Birthday joy lingers with joy.
25. The green forest is full of greenery and vitality is gathered.
26. The memories are endless, and the old dreams are always there.
27. Blossoms and gorgeous clothes.
28. The flowers are beautiful, and the flowers are beautiful.
29. The scene is like a painting and poetry is in the painting.
30. The holy fan sways gently, and the round fan brings wind.
31. The holy time is precious, don’t let good times down.
32. The flowers bloom and dew are beautiful.
33. The holy ceremony is elegant, solemn and dignified.
34. The child’s plays, and his innocence has not withered.
35. The spring is ding dong, and the spring is ding dong.
36. Holy talismans suppress evil spirits and protect the festival.
37. Sing the hymns softly, blessings come from the sky.
38. Birthday words comfort the heart.
39. The golden is shining, and the golden is shining.
40. The holy candle is clear and hope is not dead.
41. The holy elephant is solemn, and the treasure is solemn.
42. The holy boots step on the snow, and the boots are printed in rows.
43. A bright and smooth forehead will bring blessings to you.
44. The holy grace is vast and benefits all directions.
45. The fate is given by God, and the good fate is hard to refuse.
46. ??The light is brilliant and shining in the sky.
47. The yard is filled with a peaceful atmosphere.
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