英語英文版教案 篇1
AsI learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I wantto learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I ammore focused on lessons and finish my homework actively.
I know that only byworking hard in can I get a bright future. At home, I often help mymother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good careof myself. I don t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I likereading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting.
英語英文版教案 篇2
英語英文版教案 篇3
英語英文版教案 篇4
Change is indispensable to life a action, perhaps, you will change their career, maybe you‘ll change your status, but whatever oneself forever is the most important.
Change, can make you more harmonious and his colleagues, can make you look more excellent, can make other people to you is very satisfied, can make you more up a level! Change, is the best choice.
A young man came to work in a pany, at first he hold all kinds of lofty goals want to do a great business, but then he found; The pany all the way up and out, as in his he is like air, invisible, and generally feel it, as does not exist generally...... Various pressures and prompted him to want to dissatisfaction with another pany to begin his work, the new journey, but a best friends said to him, "now find a proper is not easy, why don‘t you look at yourself, then decide?" He embraced the idea of try stayed. Indeed he found, his own performance is not outstanding, the attitude is not friendly to colleagues, to work isn‘t aggressive enough... Finally he a rude awakening, after that, he became more friendly, active, work hard...... Also no longer as usual go it alone, when he again meet the best friends, the young man has been promoted as a manager.
Change yourself, change is successful state before, try to change their shortings, will give you a brilliant!!!!! Once, in near the exam in a week for several times, test, I lost, in the heart a remorseful, feel that they couldn‘t save good grades, is change reminds me, make me change the learning methods, won the final victory.
Change your, make oneself more outstanding, more perfect, let life shine for change.
英語英文版教案 篇5
英語英文版教案 篇6
The period of 1986 1990 saw great changes in the diet of the Chinese. Grain, which used to be the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role. On the other hand, the meat and fish has increased rapidly. The changes in diet can be accounted for by a number of factors. First, people are much wealthier than before. With higher income,they can afford to buy good foods. Another factor is that people have realized the importance of a balanced diet to their health. Lack of certain amount of meat or milk,for example, will result in poor health. Finally, owing to the eeonomic reform, meat, chicken, fish and milk, which were scarce in the past, are produced in large quantities. For all these reasons, what was formerly called the basket of vegetables has. To sum up, insignificant as those changes may seem, they are the signs of the improved economic condition in China. We believe that as long as the effort continuous in reform and opening to the outside world, there will be greater changes in people's diet in the future.
在人們的飲食變化China 1.1986 - 1990年期間中國人飲食的巨大變化。2。飲食變化的原因。3??傊?986-1990年期間,看到了中國飲食的巨大變化。糧食,這曾是在中國大多數人的主要食物,而現在,同樣重要的.作用。另一方面,肉和魚的迅速增加。飲食習慣的變化,可以比重由許多因素。首先,人們比以前更富有。由于收入較高,他們可以買得起的食品。另一個因素是,人們已經認識到均衡飲食的重要性,對他們的健康。缺乏對肉類或奶類一定數額,例如,會導致健康不佳。最后,由于eeonomic改革,肉,雞,魚和牛奶,這已是過去稀少,是大批量生產。由于所有這些原因,是原稱為 蔬菜籃子 的??偫▉碚f,無關緊要,這些變化看起來,他們是在中國改善經濟狀況的跡象。我們相信,只要不斷努力,改革開放和對外開放,將在人們的飲食習慣,今后更大的變化。
英語英文版教案 篇7
"Good Will Hunting" is a very old movie, one of the ten classic inspirational movies that college students should see. I just took a look at it today.
The power in the film is indeed a very abnormal character of young people, unusually smart. However, due to childhood experience, some psychological disorders, there is a rebellious mood to the society, and I do not agree with the general values of most people in the society, I do my own way, funny. The interpretation of information has a self-thinking, like self-righteous interpretation of others, although it is very quick to understand the basic heart of others. But he is, after all, a "child", without experience, and his interpretation is always somewhat self-righteous. He does not understand the experiences of others, and in fact cannot face his own past experiences. The professor is helping him to face his own past, not to escape.
In fact, the problems he encountered were not common to ordinary people? The so-called "Good will hunting" is nothing more than a person who can shake a persons soul, who can guide the soul and help people find "self". But the process is not easy!
If you ask yourself "Who are you?" "What do you want?" "What are you avoiding, what are you avoiding, and why are you avoiding it?" "What do you want to be?" It is not necessary for everyone to be able to answer these questions immediately and clearly. In fact, the heart of the catcher, not only in the capture of the power of the heart, but also in the beating of many peoples hearts, many people do not have such a soul catcher around, but these problems are the root, in the beating of a confused, confused, overwhelmed, unrestrained but no direction of the soul.
This is a fickle, rich, complex society. People float in the world, in order to survive, in order to climb, in order to fame and profit, people are crazy in the chase. But chasing, you lose yourself in the process. At this time, lacking the guidance of the soul hunter, you can re-find your "heart" and go along with the direction of the heart. What is important, what is temporary, what is real and what is illusory, believe that only when people truly touch the soul, look inward, reflect, and experience will they find the answer. I hope I can find it soon.
英語英文版教案 篇8
After the National Day, we saw "Good Will Hunting" this is an impressive movie. Will is a janitor at a university, but he is different. He is a genius, whether mathematics or history and politics, he can always say amazing words, but because of his poor birth and childhood encounter, he formed his closed and rebellious psychology.
One day, Professor Rambo found his talent, he expected Will to use the talent to realize the value of life, but Will will Rambo hired the psychologist all gas away. In desperation, Rambo can only ask his college roommate Sean for help, after Will and Seans psychological communication, Will from the closed inner world walked out, and finally dare to face life, so as to embark on the road to success.
"Good Will Hunting" has no exciting fight, no plot that makes peoples blood rise, but he is a film that can really walk into peoples hearts. With his unique way and sincere attitude, Sean opened Wills heart, enabling him to come out of the shadow of childhood and embrace the beautiful world. Under the persuasion of friends, Will changed his view of life, so that he can realize the unique value of life. They gave Will warmth from many aspects, giving him trust and love, only to open Wills heart. At the same time, we should also understand that when we tell our friends and relatives our troubles, we will eventually let go of the pain in love and trust, and then our hearts will truly open.
There are many hardships in life that make us afraid to face life. "Its not your fault, its not your fault," just like the words "Its not me, its the world," reflect the cry of our hearts. When we are most helpless and painful, we should find our own good will hunter, seize our own happiness, protect our own psychology, and guide ourselves when we are most helpless.
Open your heart, let us forget the pain, release the pressure, in order to realize their own life value.
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